作为一个Roadrunner, you play an important part in keeping Dalton State a safe environment for fellow students, 教职员工, 和社区. If you suspect or witness any violation of the Dalton State Student Code of Conduct, we encourage you to speak up and file a report.

第九条 and/or Sexual Misconduct 报告

第九条 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. Please use this reporting form to detail possible violations of the Dalton State Student Code of Conduct.


Silent Witness Form

A Silent Witness report allows you to anonymously provide information regarding criminal activity and ensure the information goes to the proper law enforcement agency.


Voluntary, Confidential 报告

Your voice matters. Utilize our Voluntary, Confidential 报告 system to share concerns, 事件, or experiences in a safe and confidential manner.


需要帮助? Contact 公共安全.

电话: 706-272-4461
位置: Health Professions Building, Room 300